Saturday, February 11, 2012

Keja Gila!

I have done a crazy thing tonight. Really crazy. Never in my life dreaming about this let alone really doing it. At first, all seems easy, rationale and precisely the right thing to do. But not after I see this appear on my screen.
Tahniah, kaki anda bakal patah! (Lebih kurang tulah maksud dia)

Yeah I think I was possessed when I did it. I know it's in my 2012 wishes but still isn't it so crazy for an overweight girl to RUN A HALF MARATHON? What am I thinking???! Kill me already.

Tiba2 kaki rasa berdenyut-denyut.

Sesape ada wat dosa ngan aku tu, cepat-cepatlah mintak maaf sebelum bulan 4 ni ye.
Cik Bab nak lari half marathon. Biar betul??!!
Kasik chance ha..
Sape nak tolong tampor laju2 ni?

Sape ada tips untuk training for Half Marathon bawak-bawaklah share ok Aduhai..fenin2..Cuma tinggal 2 bulan saje lagi. Just nak finish je.